Joint Enhancement and Denoising Method

via Sequential Decomposition

Xutong Ren, Mading Li, Wen-Huang Cheng, Jiaying Liu

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Many low-light enhancement methods ignore intensive noise in original images. As a result, they often simultaneously enhance the noise as well. Furthermore, extra denoising procedures adopted by most methods may ruin the details. In this paper, we introduce a joint low-light enhancement and denoising strategy, aimed at obtaining great enhanced low-light images while getting rid of the inherent noise issue simultaneously. The proposed method performs Retinex model based decomposition in a successive sequence, which sequentially estimates a piece-wise smoothed illumination and an noise-suppressed reflectance. After getting the illumination and reflectance map, we adjust the illumination layer and generate our enhancement result. In this noise-suppressed sequential decomposition process we enforce the spatial smoothness on each component and skillfully make use of weight matrices to suppress the noise and improve the contrast. Results of extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and practicability of our method. It performs well for a wide variety of images, and achieves better or comparable quality compared with the state-of-the-art methods.



Fig.1 Framework of the proposed method. We first use an initial illumination to refine the final illumination. Following that we use the obtained illumination map and gradient matrices W and G to amplify the reflectance in RGB space. Then the enhanced image is generated from the illumination and reflectance.

Experimental Results

All experiments are performed on MATLAB R2017a with 4G RAM and Intel Core i5-4210H CPU @2.90GHz.


Fig.2 Comparisons of low-light image enhancement results.


Fig.3 Comparisons of noisy low-light image enhancement results, all methods except ours are followed by BM3D[4].

More Results

Qualitative Evaluation





Fig.4 More results of our work. In the first line of each block are the input low-light and noisy images. The second line are our results. The left of the last two images is the input image and the right one is our result.

Quantitative Evaluation

The following table shows the quantitative comparisons between our method and other existing methods. BSDA500 dataset is used to generate our simulated images. We dim those images with Gamma transfer first and after that add Gaussian noise with variance of 20 to generate Dataset 1. Dataset 2 is generated by adding Gaussian noise first and then dimming the images. The results displayed below are calculated on both datasets.

Metric\Method LIME[6] SRIE[5] PIE[9] HE NPEA[8] Our Method
PSNR 17.3433 17.3694 18.3194 18.3456 17.7078 21.6287
SSIM 0.59437 0.64803 0.66433 0.59891 0.64727 0.81661

Table.1 Comparisons of PSNR and SSIM results.


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